Wednesday, January 12, 2011

unSpoken eMotiOn...

I wade through a life
with no M.E.A.N.I.NG,

with no desire
or aspiration,

every day redundant
of the one P.A.S.T.

One day the sun breaks through the cloud
that is my life,

and fills my days W.I.T.H
a blinding light.


And everything becomes
precious and sacred,

you B.E.C.O.M.E my passion,
my frenzy,

my F.A.N.T.A.S.Y,
my ecstasy.

You are my every moment,
my every breath.
my eTernal love


Saturday, January 8, 2011

pLease duN tOuch windOw of my hEart

 its 3.59..>>we haV such a good memOri together. we sgt serasi.but in the end u betray me hancurkan segala impian kita<<

 p/ sO soRry...eVry stEp u Leave on...eVery move u keeP on...
juZ remember i do Not betRay jUz sUrrender fOr yOr Love on....
                                                                                   (im enuf with yOur wOrld )

I thought you are the one,
who can make me smile.
I thought you are the person,
who can fill the emptiness inside of me…
I thought you will be the reason,
for me to more inspired and move on.
I thought you’re responsible enough,
to take care of me, love me tenderly…
I thought I can take it,
carry all this broken-hearted.
I thought I can deny this feeling,
that I still love you more than friends….
I thought I can still recover
from heartaches brought by your bitter words.
I thought I can forget you,
but I can’t, why a sudden change?
I thought…

All life is an experiment.

beLiF me or noPe~

In 1999, in just the United States, collectors purchased $441 million worth of teddy bears. Certainly, as we begin our journey through a new century,
we certainly need the teddy bear's gift of uncondtional acceptance, love, and reassurance more than ever.

fatin Lya rara :::kUat berangan:::

Friday, January 7, 2011

ma:thriple:fatin got mish u babe;;;;

so sUddently...
ta tiPu...benar siYes lol
kakak tEramat rindu...
fatin iffa aqilah
dan juga kamu 
fatin faiqah dahiyah.
so suddently juge
kakak thinking both of yoUh...
then tadi i hit yOur wall...
uhuh...jelouse again la (peah)
u wore dress...
so tak santek ma....(lalala)
oh damn...
(im hurting weh)

but kakak na wish i word...
>>a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single steps<< 
so....dun wery try the  very best on UK...

and u da missing one...
my little sister
u stUdying hard 4 craving on sPm yarh...
da lama we r not gowing somewHere ber3...



what ever do wif me...
im sorrY 4 hurting u....
since i got call my memories now...
hoPefully u r by my side
pLayin fUtsall
gowing yOujakaRta
n even
kak Yen house
u r always there
Lurve yor sweet cake from sarawak yor mum's made...
thanks 4 being nice 2 me...
n u never ever get bored wif me
especially help me out on gurl stuff..
polishing my nail..
ta bawak pun meh!!

being wif u...
like a treasures..
hoPe u r still kaRoke wif me
sParkling ,
textinG me
lokching yarh...
datz day was SELESA come wif u...
i miss u a lot...
please 4 give me..
apApun...juz pix yang yOuh snaP 4 me wOuld tell how lucky besties wif u
i hoPefully u!!

i wish U no more

i try to 4 get yOuh through my windows of heart...
but its seem never-never- never..
they said i fallen in love
is it true love for another 2nd life

i might b forget for everY little love dat i done before
but now...
seem like.......
im stucking on yOuh....
forgive me.....